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Racking and Material Handling Solutions Case Study : : Food Processing Industry

October 31, 2020

The Nilkamal Sales team received an enquiry for drive in storage of finished goods with a suitable MHE for -20 degree cold storage from a well-established prawn
processing facility in Vijayawada. Work at the processing unit also includes procurement, storage, value addition and distribution. The company’s prawn processing project comprises facilities of Individual Quick Freezing (IQF), Plate Freezers; pre-processing line includes washing, grading, sorting, packing etc, and
cold chain facility.

We studied MHE technical details physical visit increased one more row & deep, to get 80 more pallet locations. Upon receipt of the enquiry, we immediately visited site, did some minor changes in the layout to get more pallet location and studied total MHE specifications and  Aisle movement. Based on these calculations, we
further did few changes & received the order. We, then designed layouts as per manuel measurements along with competitor MHE. We achieved more pallet quantity and maintained regular follow-up with PUF panels supplier and other suppliers to get customer’s confidence.

Due to our quick response and pro-active approach, we received 1040 PP 2 Cold rooms Drive INN order.